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5 of the best exercises to try at home

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Home workout is great way to take you fitness to another level, varieties of exercises can be done without theneed of any gym Equipment.

If your goal is to burn fats, working out at home will be of immense help, as you continue with your fitness journey, other varieties of exercises can be added to your routine to make it more interesting, Nerd fitness will give you more healthy tips.

People may be faced with anxiety to try something new in the gym, some folks visit the gym with huge workout routine at the back of their mind, and get discouraged when they see big dudes lifting times 4 of their body weight, If you are one of those,  try working out at home where there are little or no persons to watch some of your awkward movements, haha….

These are the five best exercises to help you burn fats and build lean muscles at home with little or no gym equipment required.

  • Walking lounges
  • Bodyweight squats
  • Burpees
  • Push ups 
  • Jogging

1.Walking lunges :

This exercise targets you lower body, your glutes, quads etc. There is no gym equipment needed, for starters it can be done by walking around your room, getting down with one knee, getting up and doing the same for the other  leg.

As you progress, you can increase the difficulty by carrying your kid or your small sibling on the  shoulder,(lols) or taking any object a bit heavy around your room and performing the workout with it.

2.Bodyweight squats:

squats will strengthen the whole of your lower body, by increasing you stance and stability while also burning fats.

  1. Get in standing position with legs shoulder width apart and you toes pointings outward.

  2. Start to go down with you knee first descendings while breathing in.

  3. Keep your chest pointed out and your back a bit arched.

  4. When you have reached the point where your butt is parrarrell to the ground, you begin to ascend.

  5. Repeat the process for a minimum of 12 repetition, for 5 sets.

3. Burpees:

This is a whole body workout which increases blood circulation in matter of seconds.

  1. From a standing position, go down with momentum, with your hands supporting your body weight when it reaches the floor.

  2. Your body should make a push up position when you on the floor, get up as fast as you can with a spring motion.

  3. Repeat the the process for a minimum of 10 repetition of 5 sets, a maximum of 60 seconds rest inbetween the set.

4. Push-ups:

One of the most popular workout to tone  the upper body, the varieties range from knee push-ups, wall push-ups, staggered push ups etc.

For starters, it recommened that you start from knee push ups so as  to get get your body used to the exercise before progressing to a more difficult variation.

Knee push-ups as the name suggests is done by keeping your knees on the ground and supporting your body weight with your hands while descending and  then coming up when your body is close to the floor with controlled range of motions.

For greater difficulty, the standard push ups is done with the balls of the feet supporting the lower body and the hands supporting the upper. Also, the decline push-ups which targets more of the upper chest muscles for a well rounded chest, is done by getting you feet up to an elevated level  that is not in straight line with your hands and movings your body up and down with a controlled range of motions.

5. Jogging :

You might be wondering, what has jogging got to do with home workout, jogging in place is a variation of jogging which can be performed inside your room with just a small area of space. You can increase or decrease decrease your speed.

Putting a stop watch or a timer will make the exercise more fullfilling instead of just jogging without knowing the ammout of time you have spent doing so.

Start working out at home, if you have not been doing so.

Feel free to leave a comment below about your thoughts and recommendations. T for thanks.


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